Did you ever think about how many people and events touch your life? How about all the good deeds of others that do not seem to be noticed?
Seeing as how I am terrible at New Year's Resolutions - don't care about them and rarely make or keep them, I decided this year to resolve to be more grateful for all that makes up my life. Now, I wake up every day and thank God for my many blessings but I knew there had to be another way to be more mindful of the good things.
So I made a pledge to myself that as many days as I could I would let someone who had touched my life know about it. What fun I have had! I have written about 5 letters or cards a week since New Year's...to young folks getting their Eagle Scout badge, to neighbors who are doing marvellous things in the lives of others, to my first grade teacher, to the lady who kept my children when they were little, to the mother of my deceased best childhood friend, to people I come in contact with through my work, to my children. The responses I have received have been utterly amazing.
People seem shocked that I would write a handwritten letter (how I miss the days of opening my mailbox and finding a letter from someone that I could not wait to open!) and they are so full of their own gratitude that I took the time to notice them or remember them. The positive contacts have been astounding to me and as oftens happens, my small efforts have actually rewarded ME. That was never my intention but the joy others appear to have gotten from hearing what they have brought to MY life is like a boomerang or a ball bouncing back into your lap.
No, you cannot go back but you can keep the chain of all good things that you have been blessed with going forever.
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